Folkvangr | Open Tibia Server

Server details:

Experience IconExperience: Skills IconSkills: Magic IconMagic: Loot IconLoot: PVP Type IconType: Protocol IconProtocol:
3 4 3 2 PvP 10.98

Players data: (?)

Players online: Record online: Added to the list:
0 0 2022-09-18 16:06:43


Hello everyone, hope you're having a wonderful day. Welcome to my server, Folkvangr. I made it so me, my friend and anyone else interested has a server they can call home. It's a somewhat low rate real tibia map server with client 10.98(WOW WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT!)
I chose this client because I feel it's a perfect server for simply having fun and enjoying whatever time you have, getting deep into hunting, busting skulls and taking names.

Some information regarding the server:

Experience: 3x
Skills: 4x
Magic: 3x
Loot: 2x

Regen is increased by 50%

Premium is free.

Custom additions:

Quivers, custom arrows and wands, weapons with special effects and dropped equipment can roll with rarities, example below:

You see a legendary magic sword (Atk:48, Def:35 +8).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 80 or higher.
It weighs 42.00 oz.
It's the Sword of Valor.
[Crit Chance: +19%]
[Extra Defense: +5]

I'm not setting a date for "SERVER LAUNCHING AT X DATE!", the server is up as I make this thread, if you feel this is a server that'd take your intersted, it would be great to see you there. :)

Discord: Join the Folkvangr-OT Discord Server! (

Thank you.

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Average Players Online History